Tech Services Terms of Use

最終更新日:2022年 11月 1日
Last updated November 1, 2022


1. 定義 以下の用語は、特定の定義を有します。

a. 「プロバイダー」および「当社」とは、下記第10条に記載される事業体を意味します。

b. 「本顧客」または「貴社」とは、本利用規約に同意するボタンをクリックすることにより、または本技術サービスに関する本注文用紙を締結することにより、本利用規約に同意する会社を意味します。

c. 「本技術サービス」とは、Hubsterとして知られる、飲食店のデリバリー注文に関する当社の専有的な管理技術プラットフォームにより提供されるサービスおよび機能を意味します。

d. 「本注文用紙」とは、当社または当社の権限を有する被指定者により提供される本技術サービスの利用に関する注文用紙を意味します。本注文用紙は、使用される場合、本利用規約に組み込まれ、本利用規約の一部を構成するとみなされるものとします。

e. 「本料金」とは、本注文用紙の定めに従い、または貴社が本技術サービスを利用することに同意した際に別途(ウェブサイトまたはその他の手段により)指示されるとおり、貴社による本技術サービスの利用に対し貴社が支払うべきサービス料を意味します。

f. 「第三者ベンダー」とは、当社が本技術サービス内で利用に供しており、貴社が利用することを選択する可能性のある第三者デリバリー・サービス・プラットフォーム、店舗販売ベンダー、オンライン注文プラットフォームおよびその他の第三者ベンダーまたはサービス・プロバイダーを意味します。

a. 「貴社のデータ」とは、貴社による本技術サービスの利用中に生じる、貴社、貴社の業務、貴社の最終顧客および貴社の第三者ベンダーに関する情報およびデータ(貴社による本技術サービスの利用中に貴社の第三者ベンダーから取得されるまたは貴社の第三者ベンダーにより提供される情報およびデータを含みます。)を意味します。

2. 技術サービス

a. 各場合において本利用規約に従うことを条件に、当社は、本技術サービスを提供し、貴社は、本技術サービスを利用することができます。貴社の本技術サービスの利用権は、非独占的であり、貴社およびその従業員に対し一身専属的であり、かつ譲渡または移転不可能とします。本技術サービスを利用する貴社の権限は、貴社が本利用規約を継続的に遵守することを条件とします。

b. 貴社は、本技術サービスを利用するためにアカウントを作成する必要があります。貴社は、自らのユーザー名およびパスワードを秘密に保持する責任を負います。貴社は、当社が提供するタブレット型デバイス、当社のウェブサイトまたは当社のモバイル・アプリケーションを介してのみ、本技術サービスにアクセスすることができます。ただし、当社が書面で別途許可する場合は、この限りではありません。貴社は、その実店舗型飲食店のスペース内に限り、当社が提供するタブレット(もしあれば)を使用することができます。また本技術サービスは、当社が提供することのあるプリンター機器で注文の詳細を印刷するように設定することができます。当社が書面で別途同意しない限り、貴社は、本技術サービスに関連して当社が貴社に提供するハードウェア(もしあれば)が貴社に賃貸されるものであり、販売されるものではないことに同意します。貴社は、本技術サービスに関連する場合に限り、当該ハードウェアを使用することができます。貴社は、当該ハードウェアを(通常の損耗を除き)原状で返還しない場合、損害、損失、修理、交換、罰金およびその他の費用について単独で責任を負います。

c. 当社は、随時、本技術サービスを変更もしくは改良すること、または本技術サービスに新たな特長もしくは機能を追加することができます。緊急事態により、または当社、本技術サービスもしくはその他の関連システムへの潜在的な被害、損失もしくは損害を防止するために、合理的に必要とされる場合、当社は、本技術サービスを停止することができます。当該停止は、(i) 違反を生じさせる利用の防止もしくは終了、(ii) 緊急事態の防止もしくは解決、または (iii) 適用法の遵守のために必要とされる最小限の範囲および最短の期間に限定されます。

3. その他の権利および制約

a. 本技術サービスの提供の一環として、当社は、米国または当社もしくは当社の関連会社および代理人が施設を保持するその他の国において、貴社のデータを移転、処理および保存することがあります。本技術サービスを利用することにより、貴社は、こうした貴社のデータの移転、処理および保存に同意します。当社による個人情報の収集および使用(もしあれば)は、当社の本プライバシー・ポリシー(https://www.tryhubster.jp/legal/terms-of-use/privacy-policy で閲覧可能です。)に準拠します。貴社は、当社が本利用規約に基づく義務を当社の関連会社またはその他の第三者に委託する場合があることに同意します。ただし、当社は、第三者に委託された義務について、貴社に対し引き続き責任を負います。

b. 本技術サービス(その「ルック・アンド・フィール」、コンテンツ、ソフトウェア、技術および該当するドキュメンテーションを含みます。)は、当社および当社のライセンサーの独占的な所有物であり、引き続きそのような所有物として存続し、米国およびその他の国の法に基づき保護されます。当社は、本利用規約により、本技術サービスに関連するすべての権利を留保します。貴社は、他者に本技術サービスまたは当社が提供するハードウェアを使用させないことに同意します。貴社は、本技術サービスまたはハードウェアのいずれかの部分のコピー、変更、頒布、販売または賃貸を行うことはできません。貴社は、本技術サービスのソース・コードについてリバース・エンジニアリングを行わないことまたは抽出を試みないことに同意します。ただし、当社が書面で同意する場合、または貴社が適用法により当該行為を行うことを認められる場合は、この限りではありません。貴社は、当社が意図する本技術サービスの利用目的に合致する、正当な目的による場合に限り、本技術サービスにアクセスし、これを利用することができます。

c. 貴社の独自の選択により、貴社は、当社に対し、本技術サービスに関するフィードバックまたは提案を行うことができます。貴社がこうしたフィードバックまたは提案を行う場合、貴社は、当社が目的を問わず、また貴社に対しいかなる義務も負うことなく、当該フィードバックおよび提案を自由に使用および利用することができることに同意します。貴社は、当社の本技術サービスのサポートおよびマーケティングに関連して、当社が貴社の名前およびロゴを使用する場合があることに同意します。ただし、貴社は、当社にEメール(support@tryhubster.jp)を送信することにより、貴社の名前およびロゴの削除をいつでも要請することができます。

4. 第三者ベンダー

a. 当社は、貴社に本技術サービスを提供するため、特定の第三者ベンダーにおける貴社のアカウントにアクセスすることを要します。そのため、貴社は、貴社に本技術サービスを提供する目的で第三者ベンダーにおける貴社のアカウントおよび貴社のデータにアクセスしそれらを使用する権限を有する貴社の代理人として、当社を指名します。貴社は、上記目的のため、貴社のアカウントのログイン情報を提供することに同意します。また貴社は、貴社または貴社と第三者ベンダーとの関係に関連する情報にアクセスし当該情報を使用する権限を当社に付与します。貴社は、当該第三者ベンダーに対し、貴社のデータを当社に開示する権限を付与します。貴社は、本利用規約により、本利用規約の期間中および期間後において当社および当社の関連会社の製品およびサービスを改良することならびに関連する業界動向分析を行うことを目的として、貴社のデータおよび本技術サービスを通じて貴社が入力、アップロードまたは利用に供するその他の情報を使用する非独占的かつ恒久的な権利を当社および当社の関連会社に付与します。また当社は、関連する業界動向を第三者と共有するため、貴社のデータを集計または匿名化することができます。当社は、個人データのセキュリティ、秘密性および完全性を保護するため、管理上の、物理的なおよび技術上の適切な安全措置を維持します。https://www.tryhubster.jp/legal/terms-of-use/dpa に掲載されたデータ処理補遺条項は、言及により本利用規約に組み込まれ、本契約に適用されます。

b. 貴社は、第三者ベンダーを使用する場合、第三者ベンダーにより提示される追加的な条件(料金の支払いを含む可能性があります。)(第三者ベンダーのプライバシー・ポリシーおよびサービス利用規約を含みます。)が適用される場合があることに同意します。貴社は、第三者ベンダーのサービスは第三者が提供すること、そのため当社が第三者ベンダーまたは第三者ベンダーが提供する技術もしくはサービス(当社の本技術サービスによりアクセス可能な当該サービスを含みます。)に対し責任を負わないことに同意します。当社は、当社が将来において第三者ベンダーまたは特定の第三者たるベンダーとの統合をサポートすることを保証することができません。当社は、貴社に対する通知の有無を問わず、第三者ベンダーとの統合をいつでも削除または変更することができますが、第三者ベンダーから貴社の注文データを維持することにより貴社をサポートするためのあらゆる合理的な努力をします。貴社は、自らが本技術サービスその他に関連して特定の第三者ベンダーを使用することができなかったことにより生じる経費、費用または損失につき、当社が責任を負わないことに同意します。

5. 料金および支払い 貴社は、本利用規約および本注文用紙(該当する方)に従い、本料金を当社に支払うことに同意します。第6条に定める貴社の解除権を前提として、当社は、遅くとも30日前までに値上げについての事前通知を行うことにより、本料金をいつでも変更することができます。別途記載されない限り、すべての本料金は、現地通貨で当社に支払われ、返金不可とします。貴社は、本技術サービスについて納付されるすべての税金(当社の収入に対する税金を除きます。)を支払うことに同意します。貴社による支払いが期限を徒過している場合、当社は、次の行為を行うことができます。(a) 支払期限を徒過した金額に対し、支払期日から全額の支払時まで、月利1.5パーセントの利率(またはこれより低い場合は、法により認められる最高利率)にて利息を課すこと、また (b) 本技術サービスを停止すること、または終了させること。貴社は、当社が本料金を処理するため第三者プロバイダーを使用する場合があることに同意します。

6. 契約期間および終了

a. 貴社が本注文用紙を締結した場合、貴社による本技術サービスの利用は、本注文用紙で指定される期間中、認められます。貴社が本注文用紙を締結していない場合、または貴社の本注文用紙で指定される期間が満了した場合、貴社による本技術サービスの利用は、本第6条に従って解除されるまで、引き続き月次ベースで認められ、存続します。

b. 貴社の本注文用紙の期間が期間満了から30日以内である場合、または貴社が月次ベースで本技術サービスを利用している場合において、いずれの場合も貴社がそれ以降の本技術サービスの利用を希望しないときは、貴社は、support@tryhubster.jp 宛にEメールを送信して、遅くとも30日前までに当社に通知することにより、理由の如何または有無を問わず、本利用規約を解除することができます。30日間の通知期間の経過後、貴社は、本技術サービスを利用することをそれ以降認められません。.  30日の通知期間が翌支払い月にまたぐ場合には翌月も課金対象とする。

c. いずれの当事者も、他方当事者が本利用規約に違反した場合で、その旨の通知から30日以内に、または貴社による本料金の不払いの場合は10日以内に、当該違反を是正しないときは、当該他方当事者に書面で通知することにより、本利用規約を解除することができます。当社は、当社の合理的な裁量において、(i) 貴社による第2条(a)および(b)の違反を理由として、または (ii) 法的要件もしくは裁判所命令を遵守するために、貴社に書面で通知することにより、直ちに本利用規約を解除することができます。当社が本利用規約または本料金を変更した場合で、貴社が当該変更に同意しないときは、貴社は、当社に書面で通知することにより、本利用規約を解除することができます。

d. 未払金の支払義務および次の条項は、本利用規約の終了後も存続します。第1条、第3条、および第5条ないし第10条。本利用規約が終了した場合、貴社は、自らが保有または管理する当社のハードウェアを直ちに返還することに同意します。貴社は、返還される貴社のハードウェアを当社が受領するまで、当社が貴社に対しハードウェアの請求を引き続き行う場合があることに同意します。

7. 保証および免責

a. 各当事者は、自らが (i) 本利用規約を締結する完全な権能および権限を有すること、ならびに (ii) (場合により)本技術サービスの提供または利用に適用されるすべての法を遵守することを表明し、保証します。さらに貴社は、以下のとおり表明し、保証します。(1) 貴社は、本技術サービスに何らかのコンテンツ(メニュー項目または画像を含みます。)をアップロードする場合、当該コンテンツを使用するために必要とされるすべての権利を有しており、当該行為を行うことにより第三者の知的財産権が侵害または悪用されないこと、(2) 本注文用紙に署名した個人または本利用規約に同意するボタンをクリックした個人が、本顧客を拘束する権利を有していること、(3) 本利用規約を締結し、これを履行することにより、貴社が第三者に対する義務に違反しないこと(例えば、貴社が1名または複数名の第三者ベンダーを使用しようとする場合、貴社は、当該第三者ベンダーと排他的な契約関係を保持しないこと)、(4) 貴社は、貴社のデータおよび貴社から権限を付与された第三者ベンダーのアカウントを利用する権利、ならびにそれらの利用を当社に許可する権利(本利用規約の記載に従い貴社のアカウントおよび貴社のデータにアクセスしそれらを使用する貴社の代理人として当社を指名する権利を含みます。)を有すること、(5) 該当する場合(例えば、第三者ベンダーにより要請される場合)、貴社は、適用法および第三者ベンダーとの契約に基づき、本利用規約中に定めるとおり貴社および当社が貴社のデータにアクセスし、これを使用するために必要とされる通知をすでに行っており、同意を取得しており、かつその他の要件を満たしていること。

b. いずれかの理由(機器の故障、本技術サービスの定期的な更新、保守または修理、当社が選択することのあるその他の行為、または第三者ベンダーの問題を含みます。)により、貴社による本技術サービスへのアクセスおよびその利用が、随時中断する可能性があります。貴社は、当社が本技術サービスの中断、変更、停止または中止について貴社または第三者に対し責任を負わないことに同意します。当社は、本利用規約に明記される場合を除き、当社の本技術サービスについて、または当社が貴社のためにこれを履行する方法について、その他の約束または保証を一切行いません。ただし、適用法に基づき要求される場合は、この限りではありません。当社は、黙示的な保証(例えば、非侵害性、商品性、および特定目的への適合性に関する黙示的な保証)を行いません。ただし、適用法に基づき義務付けられる場合は、この限りではありません。

8. 補償および責任の制限

a. 適用法により禁止されない限り、貴社は、下記事項に起因または関連する請求または法的手続(政府当局による措置を含みます。)から生じる責任、損害および費用(合理的な弁護士費用および最終的な和解金額を含みます。)について、当社および当社の関連会社(当社および関連会社の各々の役員、取締役、従業員および代理人を含みます。)を補償し、損害を及ぼさないことに同意します。(i) 貴社による本利用規約もしくは第三者ベンダーとの契約の違反、(ii) 貴社のデータもしくは貴社が当社に提供するコンテンツ(本技術サービスを通じて提供する場合を含みます。)、(iii) 本技術サービスの不法な使用、または (iv) 貴社による詐欺、重過失もしくは故意の行為。

b. 適用法により認められる範囲で、貴社は、本利用規約および貴社による本技術サービスの利用に起因または関連する当社のすべての責任の総額が、(1) 100,000円、または (2) 当該責任を生じさせた事由に先立つ12か月間において本技術サービスを利用するために貴社が支払った料金のうち、いずれか低い方の金額を上限とすることに同意します。貴社は、貴社による本技術サービスの利用または本利用規約に関連した貴社の逸失利益、収益の喪失、事業機会の喪失、のれんの喪失もしくは予想される積立の喪失、間接的もしくは結果的損失または懲罰的損害の賠償につき、当社が責任を負わないことに同意します。 当該制限は、当社による重過失、故意の不法行為に起因する責任、または別途適用法により制限もしくは排除することができない責任には適用されません。

9. 雑則 当社は、本利用規約中で必要とされるすべての通知を貴社のアカウントに関連付けられたEメールアドレス宛に送信します。当社に対するすべての通知は、legalnotices@tryhubster.com宛に送信する必要があります。本利用規約ならびに本注文用紙(該当する場合)および当社の本プライバシー・ポリシーは、貴社による本技術サービスの利用に関する両当事者間のすべての了解事項を含んでおり、従前のおよび本利用規約の締結時における関連するすべての合意事項および了解事項に優先します。本利用規約が本注文用紙のいずれかの条件と矛盾する場合、本注文用紙が優先します。当社は、貴社に通知を行うことにより本利用規約を更新または変更する権利を有します。貴社は、適用法に基づき、本利用規約または何らかの契約により制限されることのない一定の権利を有しています。当該権利は、本利用規約により制限されません。貴社が本利用規約に違反した場合において、当社が貴社の違反に対応した即時の措置を取らなかった場合でも、当社は、自らが有することのある権利(将来において措置を取る権利を含みます。)を放棄したことにはなりません。本利用規約のいずれか一部が無効または強制不可能とみなされる場合でも、本利用規約の残余部分は、有効に存続します。本利用規約は、もっぱら貴社と当社との間のものです。本利用規約により、いずれかの第三者に対し法的な権利義務が生じることはありません。このことは、他者が本利用規約に基づく当該関係から利益を得ている場合も同様とします。

10. 契約を締結する事業体、通知、準拠法および裁判地 下記の表は、貴社の住所地に応じて、次の事項を記しています。(a) 当社に代わり本契約を締結する事業体、(b) 本契約に基づき貴社が通知の宛先としなければならない住所、(c) 本契約に起因または関連する紛争または訴訟に対する準拠法、および (d) 当該紛争または訴訟に対する管轄権を有する裁判所。各当事者は、上記の適用される準拠法(法の選択または抵触法の原則は考慮に入れません。)、および下記の該当する裁判所の専属管轄権に同意します。




Tokyo Smart Restaurants 合同会社





These Tech Services Terms of Use (“Terms”) are entered into between you and Provider and govern your access and use of the Tech Services. These Terms are effective as of the earlier date you click to accept, being using the Tech Services, or, if applicable, the date you sign an Order Form.

1. Definitions. The following terms have specific definitions:  

a. “Provider”, “we,” “us,” and “our,” means the entity listed below in Section 10.

b. “Customer” or “you” means the company agreeing to these Terms, either by clicking to accept these Terms or by entering into an Order Form for the Tech Services.

c. “Tech Services” means the services and functionality provided by our proprietary restaurant delivery order management technology platform, known as Hubster.

d. “Order Form” means an order form for use of the Tech Services provided by us or our authorized designee. If used, an Order Form shall be deemed incorporated into and part of these Terms.

e. “Fees” means the service fees payable by you for your use of the Tech Services, as set forth in an Order Form or as otherwise indicated to you (by website or other means) when you agreed to use the Tech Services.

f. “Third Party Vendors” means third party delivery service platforms, point of sale vendors, online ordering platforms and other third party vendors or service providers that you may elect to use and that we have made available within the Tech Services.

g. “Your Data” means information and data about you, your business, your end customers and your Third Party Vendors generated during your use of the Tech Services, including information and data obtained from or provided by your Third Party Vendors during your use of the Tech Services.

2. Tech Services

a. We will provide the Tech Services, and you may use the Tech Services, in each case subject to these Terms. Your right to use the Tech Services is non-exclusive, personal to you and your employees, and is not assignable or transferable. Your authorization to use the Tech Services is contingent on your continued compliance with these Terms.

b. You will be required to create an account to use the Tech Services, and you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password. You may only access the Tech Services through the tablet device we provide, our website, or our mobile application, unless otherwise authorized by us in writing and you may only use the tablet we provide, if any, within your brick and mortar restaurant space. The Tech Services may also be configured to print order details to a printer device which we may provide. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by us, you agree that hardware we provide to you in connection with the Tech Services, if any, is rented to you, not sold, and you may only use the hardware in connection with the Tech Services. You are solely responsible for damage, loss, repair, replacement, penalties and other costs if you do not return the hardware in its original condition, normal wear and tear excepted.  

c. We may from time to time modify or improve the Tech Services or add new features or functionality to the Tech Services. We may suspend Tech Services if reasonably necessary for an emergency situation or to stop potential harm, loss or damage to us or the Tech Services or other related systems. Any such suspension will be to the minimum extent and for the shortest duration required to: (i) prevent or terminate the offending use, (ii) prevent or resolve the emergency situation, or (iii) comply with applicable law.

3. Other Rights and Restrictions

a. As part of providing the Tech Services, we may transfer, process and store Your Data in the United States or any other country in which we or our affiliates and agents maintain facilities. By using the Tech Services, you consent to this transfer, processing and storage of Your Data. Our collection and use of personal information, if any, is subject to our Privacy Policy available at https://www.tryhubster.jp/legal/terms-of-use/privacy-policy.  You agree that we may subcontract obligations under these Terms to our affiliates or other third parties, but we will remain liable to you for any subcontracted obligations.

b. The Tech Services, including its “look and feel”, content, software, technology and applicable documentation, are and will remain the exclusive property of us and our licensors and are protected under the laws of the United States and other countries, and we hereby reserve all rights related to the Tech Services. You agree to not let anyone else use the Tech Services or any hardware we provide, and you may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any part of the Tech Services or hardware. You agree to not reverse engineer or attempt to extract any of the source code of the Tech Services unless we agree in writing or you are allowed to do so by applicable law. You may only access and use the Tech Services for lawful purposes consistent with the purposes for which we intend it to be used.

c. At your sole option, you may provide feedback or suggestions about the Tech Services to us, and if you do provide such feedback or suggestions, then you agree that we may freely use and exploit such feedback and suggestions for any purpose and without any obligation to you. You agree that we may use your name and logo in connection with supporting and marketing our Tech Services, provided that you may request the removal of your name and logo at any time by sending us an email at support@tryhubster.jp.

4. Third Party Vendors

a. In order to provide you with the Tech Services, we need to access your accounts with certain Third Party Vendors. As such, you appoint us as your agent with authorization to access and use your accounts with Third Party Vendors and Your Data for the purpose of providing you with the Tech Services, and you agree to provide your account login information for such purposes. You also authorize us to access and use information that relates to you or your relationship with the Third Party Vendors and you authorize such Third Party Vendors to disclose Your Data to us. You hereby grant us and our affiliates a nonexclusive, perpetual right to use Your Data and the other information you may enter, upload or make available through the Tech Services to improve our and our affiliates’ products and services and perform relevant industry trend analyses during and after the term of these Terms. We may also aggregate or de-identify Your Data in order to share relevant industry trends with third parties. We will maintain appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for protection of the security, confidentiality and integrity of personal data.  The data processing addendum located at https://www.tryhubster.jp/legal/terms-of-use/dpa is hereby incorporated by reference and applies to this Agreement.

b. You agree that your use of the Third Party Vendors may be subject to additional terms (which may include payment of fees) presented by the Third Party Vendors, including their privacy policy and terms of service. You agree that the services of Third Party Vendors are provided by third parties and as such, we have no responsibility for the Third Party Vendors or the technology or services they provide (including those services which are accessible by our Tech Services). We cannot guarantee that we will support the integration with any Third Party Vendors or with any particular third-party vendors in the future, and we may remove or alter an integration with a Third Party Vendor at any time, with or without notice to you but will make all reasonable efforts to support you by maintaining your order data from Third Party Vendors. You agree that we are not liable for any costs, expenses, or losses from your inability to use any particular Third Party Vendor in connection with the Tech Services or otherwise.

5. Fees and Payment. You agree to pay us the Fees in accordance with these Terms and any Order Form, as applicable. Subject to your termination rights in Section 6, we may modify the Fees at any time with at least 30 days advance notice of any increase. Unless otherwise stated, all Fees are due to us in local currency and are nonrefundable. You agree to pay all taxes due for the Tech Services, except for taxes on our income. If your payment is overdue, we may (a) charge interest on the overdue amount at 1.5% per month (or the highest rate permitted by law, if less) from the payment due date until paid in full, and (b) suspend or terminate the Tech Services. You agree that we may use a third party provider to process the Fees.

6. Term and Termination.

a. If you entered into an Order Form, your use of the Tech Services is authorized for the time period specified in the Order Form. If you did not enter into an Order Form, or if the time period in your Order Form expires, your use of the Tech Services is authorized and will continue on an ongoing month to month basis until terminated in accordance with this Section 6.

b. If your Order Form term is within 30 days of expiration, or you are using the Tech Services on a month to month basis, and in either case you no longer want to use the Tech Services, you can terminate the Terms for any or no reason by providing us with at least 30 days notice by sending an email to support@tryhubster.jp. After the 30 day notice period you will no longer be authorized to use the Tech Services.  For the sake of clarity where such 30 days covers a new billing cycle, you will be charged for such entire billing cycle.

c. A party may terminate these Terms upon written notice to the other party in the event that the other party is in breach of these Terms and does not cure such breach within 30 days, or 10 days in the case of  non-payment of Fees by you, of notice to the other party thereof. We may terminate these Terms immediately upon written notice to you (i) for your breach of Section 2(a)-(b) or (ii) to comply with a legal requirement or court order, in our reasonable discretion. You may terminate these Terms upon written notice to us in the event that we modify the Terms or Fees and you do not agree to such modifications.

d. Outstanding payment obligations and the following Sections will survive termination of these Terms: Sections 1, 3 and 5-10. Upon termination of these Terms, you agree to immediately return any of our hardware in your possession or control. You agree that we can continue to charge you for the Tech Services or charge a fixed penalty amount until or if we don’t receive your returned hardware.

7. Warranties and Disclaimers.  

a. Each party represents and warrants that it: (i) has full power and authority to enter into these Terms, and (ii) will comply with all laws applicable to the provision or use of the Tech Services, as applicable. You further represent and warrant that (1) if you upload any content (including menu items or pictures) to the Tech Services you have all necessary rights to use such content and doing so will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of a third party, (2) the individual signing the Order Form or clicking to accept the Terms has the right to bind Customer, (3) you will not violate any obligations to any third party by entering into and performing under the Terms (e.g. if you have chosen to use one or more Third Party Vendors, you do not maintain an exclusive contractual relationship with such Third Party Vendor), (4) you have the right to use, and allow our use of, Your Data and your authorized Third Party Vendor accounts, including the right to appoint us as your agent to access and use your accounts and Your Data as described in these Terms, and (5) if applicable (e.g. required by the Third Party Vendor), you have provided any notices, obtained any consents and satisfied any other requirements under applicable law and any Third Party Vendor agreement, that are necessary for you and us to access and use Your Data as set forth herein.

b. Your access and use of the Tech Services may be interrupted from time to time for any of several reasons, including the malfunction of equipment, periodic updating, maintenance or repair of the Tech Services, other actions that we may elect to take, or issues with Third Party Vendors. You agree that we are not liable to you or to any third party for any interruption, modification, suspension, or discontinuance of the Tech Services. We do not make any other commitments or warranties about our Tech Services or how they will perform for you other than as expressly stated in these Terms, unless required under applicable law. We do not provide any implied warranties, such as the implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose, unless required under applicable law.

8. Indemnity and Limits of Liability.

a. Unless prohibited by applicable law, you agree to indemnify us and our affiliates (including the respective officers, directors, employees and agents of us and affiliates) and hold them harmless against any liabilities, damages and costs (including reasonable attorney fees and final settlement amounts) from any claims or legal proceedings (including actions by government authorities) arising out of or relating to: (i) your breach of these Terms or any agreement with a Third Party Vendor, (ii) Your Data or the content you provide us, including through the Tech Services (iii) unlawful use of the Tech Services, or (iv) your fraud, gross negligence or willful misconduct.

b. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that our total liability arising out of or relating to these Terms and your use of the Tech Services, in the aggregate, is limited to the lesser of (1) JPY 100,000 or (2) the fees that you paid to use the Tech Services in the 12 months before the event giving rise to the liability. You agree that we will not be responsible for your loss of profits, revenues, business opportunities, goodwill, or anticipated savings, indirect or consequential loss, or punitive damages in connection with your use of the Tech Services or these Terms.  This limitation will not apply to liability due to our gross negligence, willful misconduct, or that otherwise cannot be limited or excluded by applicable law.

9. Miscellaneous. We will send all required notices in these Terms to the email address associated with your account. All notices to us must be sent to legalnotices@tryhubster.com. These Terms, along with the Order Form (if applicable) and our Privacy Policy, contain the entire understanding of the parties regarding your use of the Tech Services, and supersedes all prior and related contemporaneous agreements and understandings. If these Terms conflict with any term in the Order Form, the Order Form will prevail. We have the right to update or change these Terms by providing you with notice. You have certain rights under applicable laws that cannot be limited by these Terms or any contract; these Terms will not restrict those rights. If you breach these Terms, and we do not take immediate action in response to your breach, we are not waiving any rights we may have, including the right to take action in the future. If a portion of these Terms is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of these Terms will remain in effect. These Terms are between only you and us; these Terms do not create any legal rights or obligations for any third party, even if others benefit from that relationship under these Terms.

10. Contracting Entity, Notices, Governing Law, and Venue. Depending on where you are domiciled, the table below outlines (a) the entity entering into this Agreement on our behalf, (b) the address to which you must direct notices pursuant to this Agreement, (c) the governing law for any dispute or lawsuit arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, and (d) the courts that have jurisdiction over any such dispute or lawsuit. Each party agrees to the applicable governing law above without regard to choice or conflicts of law rules, and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the applicable courts below.

If you are domiciled in:


Our entity entering into this Agreement is:

Tokyo Smart Restaurants Godo Kaisha

Governing law is:


Courts with exclusive jurisdiction in:

Tokyo, Japan

Tech Services

Terms of Use

Last Updated: July 06, 2021

These Tech Services Terms of Use (“Terms”) are entered into between you and Provider and govern your access and use of the Tech Services. These Terms are effective as of the earlier date you click to accept, being using the Tech Services, or, if applicable, the date you sign an Order Form. 

1. Definitions. The following terms have specific definitions: 

a. “Provider”, “we,” “us,” and “our,” means the entity listed below in Section 10.

b. “Customer” or “you” means the company agreeing to these Terms, either by clicking to accept these Terms or by entering into an Order Form for the Tech Services.

c. “Tech Services” means the services and functionality provided by our proprietary restaurant delivery order management technology platform, known as Hubster.

d. “Order Form” means an order form for use of the Tech Services provided by us or our authorized designee. If used, an Order Form shall be deemed incorporated into and part of these Terms.

e. “Fees” means the service fees payable by you for your use of the Tech Services, as set forth in an Order Form or as otherwise indicated to you (by website or other means) when you agreed to use the Tech Services. 

f. “Third Party Vendors” means third party delivery service platforms, point of sale vendors, online ordering platforms and other third party vendors or service providers that you may elect to use and that we have made available within the Tech Services.

g. “Your Data” means information and  data  about you, your business, your end customers and your Third Party Vendors generated during your use of the Tech Services, including information and data obtained from or provided by your Third Party Vendors during your use of the Tech Services.

2‍. Tech Services 

a. We will provide the Tech Services, and you may use the Tech Services, in each case subject to these Terms. Your right to use the Tech Services is non- exclusive, personal to you and your employees, and is not assignable or transferable. Your authorization to use the Tech Services is contingent on your continued compliance with these Terms.

b. You will be required to create an account to use the Tech Services, and you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password. You may only access the Tech Services through the tablet device we provide, our website, or our mobile application, unless otherwise authorized by us in writing and you may only use the tablet we provide, if any, within your brick and mortar restaurant space. The Tech Services may also be configured to print order details to a printer device which we may provide. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by us, you agree that hardware we provide to you in connection with the Tech Services, if any, is rented to you, not sold, and you may only use the hardware in connection with the Tech Services. You are solely responsible for damage, loss, repair, replacement and other costs if you do not return the hardware in its original condition, normal wear and tear excepted.

c. We may from time to time modify or improve the Tech Services or add new features or functionality to the Tech Services. We may suspend Tech Services if reasonably necessary for an emergency situation or to stop potential harm, loss or damage to us or the Tech Services or other related systems. Any such suspension will be to the minimum extent and for the shortest duration required to: (i) prevent or terminate the offending use, (ii) prevent or resolve the emergency situation, or (iii) comply with applicable law.

3. Other Rights and Restrictions 

a. As part of providing the Tech Services, we may transfer, process and store Your Data in the United States or any other country in which we or our affiliates and agents maintain facilities. By using the Tech Services, you consent to this transfer, processing and storage of Your Data. Our collection and use of personal information, if any, is subject to our Privacy Policy available at tryhubster.jp/privacy. You agree that we may subcontract obligations under these Terms to our affiliates or other third parties, but we will remain liable to you for any subcontracted obligations.

b. The Tech Services, including its “look  and  feel”, content, software, technology and applicable documentation, are and will remain the exclusive property of us and our licensors and are protected under the laws of the United States and other countries, and we hereby reserve all rights related to the Tech Services. You agree to not let anyone else use the Tech Services or any hardware we provide, and you may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any part of the Tech Services or hardware. You agree to not reverse engineer or attempt to extract any of the source code of the Tech Services unless we agree in writing or you are allowed to do so by applicable law. You may only access and use the Tech Services for lawful purposes consistent with the purposes for which we intend it to be used.c. At your sole option, you  may  provide  feedback or suggestions about the Tech Services to us, and if you do provide such feedback or suggestions, then you agree that we may freely use and exploit such feedback and suggestions for any purpose and without any obligation to you. You agree that we may use your name and logo in connection with supporting and marketing our Tech Services, provided that you may request the removal of your name and logo at any time by sending us an email at hello@tryhubster.com.

4. Third Party Vendors 

a. In order to provide you with the Tech Services, we need to access your accounts with certain Third Party Vendors. As such, you appoint us as your agent with authorization to access and use your accounts with Third Party Vendors and Your Data for the purpose of providing you with the Tech Services, and you agree to provide your account login information for such purposes. You also authorize us to access and use information that relates to you or your relationship with the Third Party Vendors and you authorize such Third Party Vendors to disclose Your Data to us. You hereby grant us and our affiliates a nonexclusive, perpetual right to use Your Data and the other information you may enter, upload or make available through the Tech Services to improve our and our affiliates’ products and services and perform relevant industry trend analyses during and after the term of these Terms. We may also aggregate or de- identify Your Data in order to share relevant industry trends with third parties. We will maintain appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for protection of the security, confidentiality and integrity of personal data. The data processing addendum located at https://www.tryhubster.jp/legal/terms-of-use/dpa is hereby incorporated by reference and applies to this Agreement.

b. You agree that your use of the Third Party Vendors may be subject to additional terms (which may include payment of fees) presented by the Third Party Vendors, including their privacy policy and terms of service. You agree that the services of Third Party Vendors are provided by third parties and as such, we have no responsibility for the Third Party Vendors or the technology or services they provide (including those services which are accessible by our Tech Services). We cannot guarantee that we will support the integration with any Third Party Vendors or with any particular third-party vendors in the future, and we may remove or alter an integration with a Third Party Vendor at any time, with or without notice to you but will make all reasonable efforts to support you by maintaining your order data from Third Party Vendors. You agree that we are not liable for any costs, expenses, or losses from your inability to use any particular Third Party Vendor in connection with the Tech Services or otherwise.

5. Fees and Payment. You agree to pay us theFees in accordance with these Terms and any OrderForm, as applicable. Subject to your termination rights in Section 6, we may modify the Fees at any time with at least 30 days advance notice of any increase. Unless otherwise stated, all Fees are due to us in local currency and are nonrefundable. You agree to pay all taxes due for the Tech Services, except for taxes on our income. If your payment is overdue, we may (a) charge interest on the overdue amount at 1.5% per month (or the highest rate permitted by law, if less) from the payment due date until paid in full, and (b) suspend or terminate theTech Services. You agree that we may use a third party provider to process the Fees.

6. Term and Termination.

a. If you entered into an Order Form, your use of the Tech Services is authorized for the time period specified in the Order Form. If you did not enter into an Order Form, or if the time period in your Order Form expires, your use of the Tech Services is authorized and will continue on an ongoing month to month basis until terminated in accordance with this Section 6.

b. If your Order Form term is within 30 days of expiration, or you are using the Tech Services on a month to month basis, and in either case you no longer want to use the Tech Services, you can terminate the Terms for any or no reason by providing us with at least 30 days notice by sending an email to hello@tryhubster.com. After the 30 day notice period you will no longer be authorized to use the Tech Services.

c. A party may terminate these Terms upon written notice to the other party in the event that the other party is in breach of these Terms and does not cure such breach within 30 days, or 10 days in the case of non-payment of Fees by you, of notice to the other party thereof. We may terminate these Terms immediately upon written notice to you (i) for your breach of Section 2(a)-(b) or (ii) to comply with a legal requirement or court order, in our reasonable discretion. You may terminate these Terms upon written notice to us in the event that we modify the Terms or Fees and you do not agree to such modifications.

d. Outstanding payment obligations and the following Sections will survive termination of these Terms: Sections 1, 3 and 5-10. Upon termination of these Terms, you agree to immediately return any of our hardware in your possession or control. You agree that we can continue to charge you for the Tech Services until we receive your returned hardware.

7. Warranties and Disclaimers. 

a. Each party represents and warrants that it: (i) has full power and authority to enter into these Terms, and (ii) will comply with all laws applicable to the provision or use of the Tech Services, as applicable. You further represent and warrant that (1) if you upload any content (including menu items or pictures) to the Tech Services you have all necessary rights to use such content and doing so will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of a third party, (2) the individual signing the Order Form or clicking to accept the Terms has the right to bind Customer, (3) you will not violate any obligations to any third party by entering into and performing under the Terms (e.g. if you have chosen to use one or more Third Party Vendors, you do not maintain an exclusive contractual relationship with such Third Party Vendor), (4) you have the right to use, and allow our use of, Your Data and your authorized Third Party Vendor accounts, including the right to appoint us as your agent to access and use your accounts and Your Data as described in these Terms, and (5) if applicable (e.g. required by the Third Party Vendor), you have provided any notices, obtained any consents and satisfied any other requirements under applicable law and any Third Party Vendor agreement, that are necessary for you and us to access and use Your Data as set forth herein.

b. Your access and use of the Tech Services may be interrupted from time to time for any of several reasons, including the malfunction of equipment, periodic updating, maintenance or repair of the Tech Services, other actions that we may elect to take, or issues with Third Party Vendors. You agree that we are not liable to you or to any third party for any interruption, modification, suspension, or discontinuance of the Tech Services. We do not make any other commitments or warranties about our Tech Services or how they will perform for you other than as expressly stated in these Terms, unless required under applicable law. We do not provide any implied warranties,  such  as  the  implied warranties  of   non-infringement,    merchantability,    and    fitness    for  a particular purpose, unless required under applicable law.

8. Indemnity and Limits of Liability. 

a. Unless prohibited by applicable law, you agree to indemnify us and our affiliates (including the respective officers, directors, employees and agents of us and affiliates) and hold them harmless against any liabilities, damages and costs (including reasonable attorney fees and final settlement amounts) from any claims or legal proceedings (including actions by government authorities) arising out of or relating to: (i) your breach of these Terms or any agreement with a Third Party Vendor, (ii) Your Data or the content you provide us, including through the Tech Services (iii) unlawful use of the Tech Services, or (iv) your fraud, gross negligence or willful misconduct. 

b. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that our total liability arising out of or relating to these Terms and your use of the Tech Services, in the aggregate, is limited to the lesser of (1) JPY 100,000 or (2) the fees that you paid to use the Tech Services in the 12 months before the event giving rise to the liability. You agree that we will not be responsible for your loss of profits, revenues, business opportunities, goodwill, or anticipated savings, indirect or consequential loss, or punitive damages in connection with your use of the Tech Services or these Terms. This limitation will not apply to liability due to our gross negligence, willful misconduct, or that otherwise cannot be limited or excluded by applicable law.

9.  Miscellaneous.  We  will  send  all  required  notices in these Terms to the email address associated with your account. All notices to us must be sent to legalnotices@tryhubster.com. These Terms, along with the Order Form (if applicable) and our Privacy Policy, contain the entire understanding of the parties regarding your use of the Tech Services, and supersedes all prior and related contemporaneous agreements and understandings. If these Terms conflict with any term in the Order Form, the Order Form will prevail. We have the right to update or change these Terms by providing you with notice. You have certain rights under applicable laws that cannot be limited by these Terms or any contract; these Terms will not restrict those rights. If you breach these Terms, and we do not take immediate action in response to your breach, we are not waiving any rights we may have, including the right to take action in the future. If a portion of these Terms is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of these Terms will remain in effect. These Terms are between only you and us; these Terms do not create any legal rights or obligations for any third party, even if others benefit from that relationship under these Terms.

10.  Contracting Entity,  Notices,  Governing  Law, and Venue. Depending on where you are domiciled, the table below outlines (a) the entity entering into this Agreement on our behalf, (b) the address to which you must direct notices pursuant to this Agreement, (c) the governing law for any dispute or lawsuit arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, and (d) the courts that have jurisdiction over any such dispute or lawsuit. Each party agrees to the applicable governing law above without regard to choice or conflicts of law rules, and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the applicable courts below.If you are domiciled in:JapanOur entity entering into this Agreement is:Tokyo Smart Restaurants Godo KaishaGoverning law is: JapanCourts with exclusive jurisdiction in:Tokyo, Japan